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About Me

I'm Kam Szeliga, a full-stack web developer.

My first exposure to coding was as a teen through BBCode in a forum in 2014. Self-taught, I enjoyed dabbling in a little bit of HTML here and there, mostly using it to enhance the visual appeal of my artwork on personal web pages. I didn't do much more with coding until recently. After graduating from the school of Filmmaking/Animation at UNCSA, I decided to fully delve into the world of coding.

Front-end web development was always where I felt most comfortable before immersing myself in the coursework at Coder Foundry. Now, not only do I excel in front-end development, but I am proficient with back-end as well. I am excited about the opportunities ahead in this rapidly growing and evolving career path.

What I Use

I use a variety of programs and coding languages to get the job done right.

I use C# on a daily basis to build websites and web applications. See examples of my work in my projects section.

I use proven design patterns and frameworks to build websites. ASP.NET Vore Web and MVC. See examples of my work in my projects section.

JavaScript is the language of the web. I use vanilla JS and im comfortable with many JS frameworks, such as jQuery. Check out my challenges section to see some of my JS projects.

I use HTML, CSS and Bootstrap to build beautiful and responsive websites.

I use git and Github for all my projects. Git is the most used source control.

SQL is the language of the database.

Projects I Have Built

The following three projects fully demonstrate what I can bring to the team. I built these projects from the ground up in order to showcase the skill that I have with the front-end, back-end and database management. Each of these three programs are fullstack web projects. Click on one below to be taken to a page so you can demo it. You can also contact me to get a complete code walkthrough.

Streamline your company's workflow with Meteor Strike.

Easily add and search through your contacts with Fossil Records.

Stay up to date with current tech trends with Daily Roar.

Challenges I've Completed

These challenges were each built in JavaScript. They showcase my familiarty with using code to solve every day problems. Contact me to get a complete code walkthrough.

Calculate each month of payments and their interest on a mortgage loan.

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Check if a word/sentence is a palindrome or not.

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Classic coding interview questions.

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Reverse a sentence written by a user.

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Generates a range of numbers (1-100) on the page when a button is pressed

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Track event attendance statistics and organize them by city.

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Impressed with my portfolio already? Contact me now!

The Daily ROAR: My Blog

I use a handcrafted API to display my Daily Roar blog posts here.

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